Patch Notes
Main Additions
Car Paint
- Loot items
- Can now find car paint in loot boxes, extract with them, and paint your whip in the garage!
- Car paint rarities were implemented
- Implemented “Garage” camera and car paint feature
Controller Support – Free Cursor
- Free cursor added
- Controller users after SS2 release mentioned they were unable to exit a loot crate; this has been fixed
Scrolling functionality
- Both stash and inventory are now scrollable
Smaller Additions/Fixes
- Matchmaking kick bug has been fixed
- Some dark areas on the map were brightened
- Implemented Audio Slider. Categories that were added to the Settings Menu:
- Master Volume
- Music Volume
- FX Volume
- UI Volume
- Matchmaking timer now counts to 59 instead of 60
- UI icons for rifles have been corrected
- Adjusted so players are able to swap weapons while reloading
- Incorrect arm animation when unequipped & sprinting bug fixed
- Gun duping bug fixed – players would get duplicated weapons in their loadout if they: “Return to Home” with a weapon loadout, load back into the Hideout, stash weapons, and then die to fall damage
- Curved/backwards bullets bug fixed
- Rifle D emissives were too bright; optic has been changed
- Weapon behavior updates
- Pistol C was too powerful; this has been adjusted
Weapon Tuning
- Bullet Damage increased from 14 to 18
- Spread Speed reduced from 10 to 3
- Base Firing Spread reduced from 2 to 0.5
- Recoil Speed reduced from 15to 11
- Firing Spread Increment reduced from 4 to 3
- Firing Spread Max reduced from 10 to 4
- ADS Modifier reduced from 0.25 to 0
- Walking Modifier increased from 1.5 to 3
- Jumping Modifier increased from 3 to 10
- Sprinting Modifier increased from 2 to 5
- Bullet Damage increased from 12 to 14
- 100% damage effective range decreased from 50% to 30% max distance
- Spread Speed increased from 3 to 2
- Base Firing Spread reduced from 2 to 0.1
- Firing Spread Max reduced from 11 to 7
- ADS Modifier reduced from 0.25 to 0
- Walking Modifier increased from 1.5 to 10
- Jumping Modifier increased from 6 to 20
- Sprinting Modifier reduced from 4 to 2
- 100% damage effective range decreased from 70% to 30% max distance
- Spread Speed reduced from 10 to 5
- Base Firing Spread reduced from 1.5 to 0.1
- ADS Modifier reduced from 0.25 to 0
- Walking Modifier increased from 1.5 to 25
- Jumping Modifier increased from 3 to 55
- Ammo Count increased from 15 to 18
- Fire Rate improved from 0.45 to 0.3
- 100% damage effective range reduced from 50% to 30% max distance
- ADS Modifier reduced from 0.25 to 0
- Ammo Count increased from 6 to 8
- Bullet Damage increased from 9 to 12 (per pellet)
- 100% damage effective range reduced from 30% to 10% max distance
- 40% damage effective range reduced from 60% to 20% max distance
- Spread Speed reduced from 15 to 10
- Base Firing Spread reduced from 11 to 5.5
- Jumping Modifier increased from 3 to 5
- Max Distance on projectile reduced from 3.5 to 3k
- Bullet Damage increased from 5 to 7 (per pellet)
- 100% damage effective range reduced from 30% to 20% max distance
- 40% damage effective range reduced from 60% to 50% max distance
- Spread Speed reduced from 15 to 7.5
- Base Firing Spread reduced from 15 to 7.5
- Firing Spread Max reduced from 35 to 30
- Walking Modifier increased from 1.5 to 2
- Jumping Modifier increased from 3 to 5
- Bullet Damage increased from 21 to 24 (per pellet)
- Base Firing Spread reduced from 25 to 11
- Bullet Damage increased from 7 to 8 (per pellet)
- Spread Speed reduced from 11 to 5
- Base Firing Spread reduced from 7 to 2.5
- Firing Spread Max reduced from 25 to 11
- Walking Modifier increased from 1.5 to 2
- Jumping Modifier increased from 3 to 4
- 100% damage effective range reduced from 80% to 70% max distance
- Spread Speed reduced from 12 to 1.7
- Base Firing Spread reduced from 2 to 0.5
- Firing Spread Increment reduced from 0.5 to 0.15
- Firing Spread Max reduced from 12 to 5.5
- Walking Modifier reduced from 2 to 1.5
- Ammo Count increased from 15 to 20
- Base Firing Spread reduced from 4 to 1
- Firing Spread Max reduced from 20 to 10
- Spread Speed reduced from 10 to 8
- Base Firing Spread reduced from 7 to 2
- Firing Spread Increment reduced from 0.25 to 0.1
- Firing Spread Max reduced from 24 to 12
- Walking Modifier reduced from 2 to 1.5
- Bullet Damage increased from 34 to 44
- 100% damage effective range increased from 80% to 90% max distance
- Damage Fall occurs at 80% instead of 70% max distance
- Base Firing Spread reduced from 2 to 1
- Firing Spread Max increased from 5 to 5.5
- Walking Modifier increased from 2 to 3
- Jumping Modifier increased from 6 to 6.5