Snapshot CL 7287.1

MSN Blog, Intel, Official, Patch Notes, Snapshot 2 Comments

Patch Notes

Laser Sights, Barrels, and Stocks now provide gameplay stat differences when attached.

Loot and extract with these attachments, return to the Player Hideout to access your Armory to attach them, and then bring them in game.

Laser Sights

Lasers when attached will now improve your accuracy (spread). There are three laser sights that can be attached to all weapon classes:

  • Red Laser: 20% improved accuracy with 15% loot container chance
  • Green Laser: 40% improved accuracy with 5% loot container chance
  • Blue Laser: 70% improved accuracy with 1% loot container chance


Barrels when attached will now improve your bullet speed (muzzle velocity). There are four types of barrel attachments that can be applied to all weapon classes:

  • Barrel A: 125% bullet speed with 15% loot container chance
  • Barrel B: 150% bullet speed with 10% loot container chance
  • Barrel C: 175% bullet speed with 5% loot container chance
  • Barrel D: 200% bullet speed with 1% loot container chance


Stocks when attached will now improve your recoil, making your gun “lift” less with each shot. There are four types of stocks that can be attached to all weapon classes:

  • Stock A: 10% improved recoil control with 15% loot container chance
  • Stock B: 30% improved recoil control with 10% loot container chance
  • Stock C: 50% improved recoil control with 5% loot container chance
  • Stock D: 70% improved recoil control with 1% loot container chance


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