Snapshot CL 22877

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Patch Notes for SS 7.5 patch notes (Jan. 17, 2024)

Feature Updates

  1. DEADROP Creator Mode custom Luau scripts can now be authored, uploaded and matchmade into using Refiner Codes.
    1. Documentation/Setup
    2. GitHub
  2. Added a Local Testing mode, which allows custom scripted DCMs to be run and tested from your computer. You can even host other players from your Local Test Server!
  3. Added a debug interface for debugging Luau scripts in Local Testing mode. Requires Visual Studio Code and the MSLD debugger plugin
  4. Enabled VOIP for DCMs, including during Local Testing mode.
  5. Added a “Quick Play” feature, to join any DCM game currently being queued for.

Known Issues

  1. Players experience a jitter/hitch when attempting to ADS their weapon while in Test Servers.
  2. Players may spawn into DCMs and Test Servers with their weapon floating out in front of them.
    1. Player can fix this by dropping and equipping the weapon.
  3. Players may rarely experience an issue with using Adrenaline Sprays on Proving Ground 2.
  4. Players can sometimes spawn inside a container outside of Canyon (Small).
  5. Throwables often times do not go where the player intended them to be thrown.
  6. 3rd Person Death animation does not play appropriately.
  7. Fall damage and landing SFX does not play when falling from certain heights.
  8. Players may experience getting launched at high speeds when attempting to use a Zipline.
  9. Players can get stuck behind the pylons/barricades in front of the Garages after they close in the Midnight Ride.
  10. Unpublishing Custom Game Modes and Custom Scripts will delete them.
    1. They do not move back to the My Saved Games.


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