The first Snapshot is here! Ride the elevator to PLAYER HIDEOUT – your first glimpse into the world of DEADROP. Here you can grab your weapon and put it to the test in three firing ranges.
This build represents one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine check-ins from the Deadrop team from March 1, 2022, to July 26, 2022. The focus of this build was to establish the foundation for core player movement, weapon systems, and to introduce an environment in which to test the first weapon. In addition, Snapshot_CL 1859 marks the beginning of authentication, profile, account, dedicated server support, and code to support future Deadrop multiplayer functionality.
Variants can download the most current Snapshot from their Profile page.
Minimum requirements:
- Windows 10
- 4.2 GHz i7-7700k
- 32 GB RAM
- 20 GB available
- HDD space
Did you know? You can submit your Dxdiag.txt and help us learn what PC specs our Variants have. This will allow us to plan requirements. Log in to your Midnight Society Profile, click on the “Project Moon Snapshots” tab, then scroll down and select “Submit your Dxdiag.txt.”
Welcome to Player Hideout
The Environment
Player Hideout is a large interconnected space that will act as the pre-game lobby for players preparing to drop into the tower. The following areas have been built out:
Weapons Bench
A spawn location for the weapons in the build.
Passage A
A transition space between the weapons bench and interior range.
Interior Range
An indoor firing range populated with wooden targets. This range contains a single-timed trial where targets can be engaged from short to medium ranged distances in a predictable pattern.
This time trial tracks several stats, including accuracy, location of hits, and how long it takes to complete the course. Stats are not currently saved, so there is no persistent leaderboard at this time. This trial is designed to test core weapon functionality.
Passage B
A transition space between the interior range and the exterior range.
Exterior Range
The highest section of the exterior is populated with wooden targets with a slight emissive texture to increase visibility in stormy conditions. This range contains a single-timed trial where targets can be engaged at medium to long ranges. These targets move at varying speeds and directions to increase the difficulty of acquiring a target. This trial is designed to test target acquisition skills such as leading a moving target and accuracy at a distance.

Lower Exterior Range
The lowest section of the exterior is populated with early Syn prototypes. These primitive android husks have been repurposed into target dummies and no longer contain their memory cores. These targets are dynamic and rise up based on the proximity of the player, triggered by pressure plates built into the ground. This trial is designed to test the reaction speed and accuracy of the player at close to medium range.
A large overlook of the city including a view of the Refiner State during a heavy downpour and thunderstorm.
[Classified] Rifle
The first assault rifle class weapon has yet to be named. It features two firing modes, which can be toggled at any time. An embedded ammo counter shows an accurate count of existing ammo within the magazine. The two firing modes are single shot and full-auto. This weapon is designed to be capable of all ranges of engagement distances. However, it’s restricted to iron sights which may make target acquisition at long distances more difficult.

Player Abilities
Basic Locomotion
Walk, sprint, and crouch abilities have been added to the player character.
Mouse and Keyboard
Fully supported.
Limited Support. UI menus may not function correctly when using a gamepad. Basic player abilities are supported but may not be active.
Accessibility Features
Toggle has been added to both sprint and Aim Down Sights (ADS) to assist players with limited motor functions.
Players can change resolution, windowed state, toggle on/off framerate counter, and adjust sensitivity and vsync settings.
Dedicated Servers
Support for networked Player Hideouts was added but is not active in this Snapshot. It will be enabled once multiplayer functionality is added.
Phased Hideouts
The ability to host many hideouts on a single dedicated server and limiting the visibility of other players unless invited.
Using Access Passes to authenticate users and link accounts to Midnight Society profiles; to ensure security and eventually persistent saved data.
How to Provide Feedback on Snapshot_CL 1859
You’ve mastered the firing ranges and become intimately familiar with your new hideout. Now it’s time to share your thoughts! Head to your Midnight Society Profile page and select “SNAPSHOT DEBRIEF.”